program because of a connection failure with the controller. Not the best start, but the rest of the show went quite well I think.

What kind of equipment/programs/instruments do you use? Please describe the space you like to work in.

I’ve started using Logic this year, but I’m still using Cubase for some tasks. To me it doesn’t really matter what platform you’re using. Good music can be made on very simple gear. I am trying to restrict myself more and more, and try not to use too many plugins, as it tends to get out of hand. I’m more concerned about making proper recordings of acoustic instruments at the moment, so I won’t have to manipulate the sounds too much afterwards. I also bought an old upright piano this year, which I use quite a lot on my new tracks. At the moment I’m looking for a new hardware sequencer and I think the Machine Drum might be the answer to my prayers.

Do you ever find that one piece of equipment or a program you use becomes limiting to the sound you are trying to create?

Sure. I always find restrictions within the programs I use, which can be quite annoying

sometimes, but also it makes you think in alternative ways. Like "how do I get the best out of what I have".

Can you speak a little about playing live shows as an electronic musician? How can electronic musicians better engage with the audience?

Performing music that has already been produced is a paradox in itself, and I still haven’t found the ultimate way of doing it. I have learned though that you have to be careful not to make it too complicated for yourself, because it’s important to be able to feel the music while playing and not have to think too much. The audience can definitely tell if you’re into the music or if you’re getting confused by all the stuff you have running. It can be liberating to take on a DJ-approach, because it enables you to jump around more etc, but on the other hand it limits your possibilities of interacting with the music. Surely, Ableton Live makes it possible to go either way. I also find comfort in performing with live visuals because people’s eyes are not fixed at me all the time. I’m collaborating with the visuals crew Bottega Areté, for the same reason.